torsdag 30. september 2010

Mannconomic TF2, Holidays and a video!

First I hated it - So stupid. Selling hats and weaponsn for real money. But then; I loved it. It got so many awesome stuff, like the Name tag (Change the name of your weapons!) the Paint Bucket(s) (Paint your weapons!) and etc.
The possibility for trading will sooner or later award me with a fez for Your Eternal Award!
(Want to examine my backpack in TF2? click HERE)
Next week is gonna be awesome. School's out, and my PC ready for a 24/7 gaming orgy.
I'm also gonna be updating the blog more frequently.
And again, also, me and a buddy named Vic (hai Vic) are sooner or later gonna create a new blog together, so watch the sky... Uh, I mean this blog for updates on that.

Now that we are finished, here is a video:

torsdag 16. september 2010

Cave - more information...

Because I want, I will give you hints.
It is a mod for Half-Life 2: Episode 2.
It is still in concept mode.
And no, I do not expet this to get popular. It may even be scrapped.

The Sacrifice for L4D 1 and 2 is teh sex. The comic's good, and you can read it HERE.

Also, I'll be updating this blog a bit more often. I'm gonna add a header for it too.

onsdag 8. september 2010

Cave - A secret project

Not going to talk much about it.
All I can say is; When I have decided we're done, I'll release stuff.
Meanwhile, why don't you check out my Youtube Channel and LambdaGeneration?