torsdag 30. september 2010

Mannconomic TF2, Holidays and a video!

First I hated it - So stupid. Selling hats and weaponsn for real money. But then; I loved it. It got so many awesome stuff, like the Name tag (Change the name of your weapons!) the Paint Bucket(s) (Paint your weapons!) and etc.
The possibility for trading will sooner or later award me with a fez for Your Eternal Award!
(Want to examine my backpack in TF2? click HERE)
Next week is gonna be awesome. School's out, and my PC ready for a 24/7 gaming orgy.
I'm also gonna be updating the blog more frequently.
And again, also, me and a buddy named Vic (hai Vic) are sooner or later gonna create a new blog together, so watch the sky... Uh, I mean this blog for updates on that.

Now that we are finished, here is a video:

torsdag 16. september 2010

Cave - more information...

Because I want, I will give you hints.
It is a mod for Half-Life 2: Episode 2.
It is still in concept mode.
And no, I do not expet this to get popular. It may even be scrapped.

The Sacrifice for L4D 1 and 2 is teh sex. The comic's good, and you can read it HERE.

Also, I'll be updating this blog a bit more often. I'm gonna add a header for it too.

onsdag 8. september 2010

Cave - A secret project

Not going to talk much about it.
All I can say is; When I have decided we're done, I'll release stuff.
Meanwhile, why don't you check out my Youtube Channel and LambdaGeneration?

fredag 11. juni 2010

Mac-fags and Pc-marines

VALVe just added TF2 for the Mac. And they get a free hat.

Must destroy.

mandag 10. mai 2010

"Oh, here, take 50 gold. Just made them, but take them all! I don't really care!"

Begging in WoW make me sick. Why is there beggars? They are people who don't want to make money on the simplest way. They just want the gold so they can brag to their friends about how rich they are before they drink [Dwarven Stout] all day long.

So, anyways, been preparing for Mock Exams. This is the part of the year where everything happens.
Yawn. Exciting.

tirsdag 13. april 2010

I hate my school.

People here are douchebags. Probably because i am in Trondheim/Melhus' garbage can.
Gah, me and my friends are the last hopes.

Anyways, school begins to kill me. Slowly.
NOW we have to write a essay... In a dialect i don't want to learn.
Will i get use of it? NO.

onsdag 7. april 2010

The Cake Is A Lie

Woo wee, finished Portal.

Now, since i've heard the news about Portal 2, i had been like 'OMGWTFBBQ'.
I've been refffffeerrrrring to Portal, and that means talked like GLaDOS.


Those pups have been opening their eyes. Not long until they begin to bark. Oh sweet mercy.



mandag 29. mars 2010

Oh, snap!

The internet-connection just got crappy. Oh yay.

So, i'm leaving today and ain't coming back before probably Saturday. Now, still got contact with the world around me, as i got a cellphone.
There's a problem: I ain't good in skiing. So, my fellow Norwegians: If you see a teen crashing into you, it's me.

Haw haw.

(Is anyone reading this?)


Starting from TODAY, EASTER holiday have begun. And guess what:
I'm going to Oppdal soon. (It's the mountains where Star-Wars V HOTH-planet were filmed in)

Anyways, i just hope i didn't brain my damage. THAT would be BAD.

tirsdag 23. mars 2010

Oh, hey, a new modem!

Heard about Ice? Those guys gave us a modem and promised us fast connection. Well, we got scammed.
In download i had 23.5 Kb/S. And that is terrible if you play games.
In five weeks my dad have been complaining their ass off. But did they make it better? No, they made it worse. So we changed. Now we have NextGenTel. Waaaay better.

So, anyways, writing this at school. Just had an english lesson. Dreaming of a LAN-part this easter. Playing Garry's Mod or TF2 against two of my friends.
It's gonna contain a lot of pew-pew and om nom.

So, anyone reading this?
I hope so.
Im desperate.
Nah, i'll go troll in FacePunch. See ya!

- The Lime

mandag 22. mars 2010

A start!

Wow, i just started my own fudging blog!

Huh, anyways, the 22 of March 2010. My stomach kills me and i have puked at least once.
I missed school. Heh.
Happy for it anyways, so i can work a bit more with my homework. Supposed to write about the history of Islam. I find the battle at Karbala a bit interesting. But enough of that.

Two days ago my dog got puppies. We are gonna give 'em Stargate themed names.
and Adria.


For you people out there: Yes, i have Steam. (browse [TLEW] Emild00d) Yes, i play the following:
Team Fortress 2
Garry's Mod
Half-life 1-2, Ep1, Ep2
Portal (Need Portal 2!)
Day of Defeat
Day of Defeat: Source
Counter Strike (every single one of 'em)
And various mods i pick up.

Is that enough? Ok, let's do this!